How was the Scopes trial more complicated than a simple debate between evolutionists and creationists? (Read each source below, then answer the questions in the notebook. Ask your teacher for an inquiry organizer worksheet to help you think about the ways that the sources support and contradict each other.)


READ: Sparks Letter to the Editor

Head Note: Many citizens wrote letters to Tennessee’s newspapers in response to the Butler Act. Below is an excerpt from a letter written by a parent.

Editor of the Nashville Tennessean:

At the time the bill prohibiting the teaching of evolution in our public schools was passed by our legislature I could not see why the mothers in greater number were not conveying their appreciation to the members for this act of safeguarding their children from one of the destructive forces which . . . will destroy our civilization. I for one felt grateful for their standing for the right against all criticism. And grateful, too, that we have a Christian man for governor who will defend the Word of God against this so-called science. . . .

The Bible tells us that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church. Therefore we know there will always be standard-bearers for the cross of Christ. But in these times of materialism I am constrained to thank God deep down in my heart for . . . every . . . one whose voice is raised for the uplift of humanity and the coming of God’s kingdom.

Mrs. Jesse Sparks

Pope, Tennessee
Source: Mrs. Jesse Sparks, letter to the editor, Nashville Tennessean, July 3, 1925.

USE THE NOTEBOOK (instructions):

To answer these questions, log in below

Sourcing: Consider a document's attribution (both its author and how the document came into being).

Why does Mrs. Sparks care about what is taught in schools?

Contextualizing: Situate the document and events it reports in place and time.

To what does Mrs. Sparks refer when she says "these times of materialism"?

Close Reading: Read carefully to consider what a source says and the language used to say it.

Find all of the words that suggest the presence of a great danger. Why might Mrs. Sparks believe that evolution is such a threat?

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