
Sparks Letter to the Editor (Modified)

Some of the language and phrasing in this document has been modified from the original.

Head Note: Many citizens wrote letters to Tennessee’s newspapers in response to the Butler Act. Below is an excerpt from a letter written by a parent.

Dear Editor:

When the bill against the teaching of evolution in public schools was passed, I could not see why more mothers were not thanking the lawmakers. They were protecting our children from one of the destructive forces which will destroy our civilization. I for one was grateful that they stood up for the right. And grateful, too, that we have a Christian man for governor who will defend the Word of God against this so-called science.

The Bible tells us that the gates of Hell shall not win against the church. We know there will always be standard-bearers for the cross of Christ. But in these times of materialism I thank God deep down in my heart for everyone whose voice is raised for humanity and the coming of God’s kingdom.

Mrs. Jesse Sparks
Pope, Tennessee

Source: Mrs. Jesse Sparks, letter to the editor, Nashville Tennessean, July 3, 1925.