
Social Security: CA

    Historical Analysis Skills:
  • Students show the connections, causal and otherwise, between particular historical events, and larger social, economic, and political trends and developments.
  • Students evaluate major debates among historians concerning alternative interpretations of the past, including an analysis of authors’ use of evidence and the distinctions between sound generalizations and misleading over-simplifications.
    US History, (Grade 11):
  • Students analyze the different explanations for the Great Depression and how the New Deal fundamentally changed the role of the federal government.
    1. Understand the explanations of the principal causes of the Great Depression and the steps taken by the Federal Reserve, Congress, and Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt to combat the economic crisis.
    2. Analyze the effects of and the controversies arising from New Deal economic policies and the expanded role of the federal government in society and the economy since the 1930s (e.g., Works Progress Administration, Social Security, National Labor Relations Board, farm programs, regional development policies, and energy development projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, California Central Valley Project, and Bonneville Dam).